XML Save/Load bug fix...
Recent changes in Java security policy might prevent you from running VARNA.
Check out this page for details and ways to solve the problem.
Highlighting regions, ie sequences of contiguous bases, can be useful to draw the reader's attention toward some local remarkable feature.
A sequence of regions can be distinguished through the highlightRegion
command, each of which can be customized using the
following, comma-separated, assignations:
real: Thickness of the highlight fill=
color: The color used to fill the highlightoutline=
color: The color used to draw the line around the highlightNote to Firefox users: Certain versions of Firefox may be confused by self-signed certificates, and silently prevent the applet from running. If the frame above shows up empty, then try reloading the page.
<applet code="VARNA.class" codebase="bin" archive="VARNA.jar"> <param name="auxBPs" value="(48,102):thickness=3,color=#6ed86e" /> <param name="baseInner" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="highlightRegion" value="48-63:fill=#bcffdd;81-102:fill=#bcffdd" /> <param name="sequenceDBN" value="UUGUAUAACCUCAAUAAUAUGGUUUGAGGGUGUCUACCAGGA ACCGUAAAAUGGUGAUUACAAAAUUUGUUUAUGACAUUUUUUGUAAUCAGGAUUUUUUUU" /> <param name="structureDBN" value="(((((...((((((.........))))))........(((( (.........)))))..)))))....((((...))))........................"/> <param name="flat" value="true" /> <param name="titleSize" value="10" /> <param name="title" value="Alternate configurations of the pbuE adenine riboswitch (Lemay/Lafontaine, RNA 2007)"/> </applet> |
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